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Explore a curated selection of resources including studies, reports, and tools to understand the impact of excessive alcohol consumption and how to get involved in the solution. These materials support informed advocacy and community action to reduce alcohol-related harms and promote public health.
CPSTF Interventions to Reduce Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Following is an alphabetical list of intervention approaches reviewed by the Community Preventive Services Task Force with summaries of the CPSTF finding for each (definitions of findings). Click a linked review title to read a summary of the evidence and access supporting materials.
Source here.
Interventions to Reduce Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Recommended (strong evidence)
March 2010

Recommended (strong evidence)
August 2012

Recommended (sufficient evidence)
February 2006

Recommended (strong evidence)
June 2007

Recommended (strong evidence)
June 2008

Recommended (sufficient evidence)
February 2009

Insufficient Evidence
March 2010

Recommended Against
April 2011

Recommended (sufficient evidence)
February 2007

Insufficient Evidence
October 2010
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