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Joanne J. Ferrary

“Raising the alcohol excise tax is proven to be the most effective evidence-based strategy for reducing alcohol consumption and improved health and safety of all New Mexicans. These taxes haven’t been raised for 30 years and are significantly lower due to inflation.  Alcohol harms intersect with many issues we are trying to overcome in New Mexico and alcohol-related deaths, being ranked #1 in the nation, is a good start.  It will also help reduce binge and underage drinking, motor vehicle crashes, rates of crime, violence and sexually transmitted infections.  Please join us to change this one very important public health strategy!”


Antoinette Sedillo Lopez

“I am passionate about moving the needle on social problems in our communities. Depressing alcohol consumption by raising the excise tax is one way to do it. And, the funds raised can be deployed for prevention, treatment and recovery and the other ills posed by alcohol misuse.”


Shannon Pinto 



Dedication. Expertise. Passion.


The AHA Coalition stands on the shoulders of many activists and community members dedicated to tackling the pernicious and devastating harms that alcohol causes in our state. Alcohol taxes have not been increased since 1993. In 2003, a statewide poll showed that 69% favored an increase to deter excessive drinking. In 2021, NM reached an all time high of 2,276 deaths due to alcohol related harms. In 2022, a group of public health advocates and legislators provided an educational online session to discuss alcohol harms and possible solutions to address them. They also created the Alcohol Harms Alleviation Coalition. In 2023, this group of advocates and legislators introduced a bill to increase the tax per drink by 25 cents. The bill made it through committees but in the end was vetoed. In 2024, the group has grown, received endorsements from various community stakeholders, and will once again introduce a bill to increase alcohol tax by 25 cents to develop the AHA fund which will create a sustainable source of funding to address the multitude of harms due to excessive alcohol consumption in our state. 

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